
Maud Lewis is one of my favorite folk artists thanks to my Uncle John who gave my mother a lithograph that he bought from Maud at a local market when I was a kid. I loved that painting from the moment I saw it. As I was raised a music hall theater brat thanks to my mom’s being a professional dancer and choreographer, it was only natural that over a life time I developed a love of all of the arts from writing to painting, singing to dancing. Over the years, I studied Art, Music, and photography, working first in water color and now in acrylic blending both folk art and abstract art into my style. I hope you enjoy it.

  • Winter Wonderland Show at the Mac

    I am looking forward to joining the Winter Wonderland Show at the Mac in November. I will post more closer to the date. I haven’t decided between submitting one of my snowmen or completing a new work. I am thinking of doing a winter painting at the farm. That would be fun. In the meantime,……

  • Moving on up this summer

    Lots of changes. I sold my home so my studio is no longer up and running. I will still be selling my books and art online, but I don’t plan on doing any markets in the foreseeable future. I am planning on some summer forays to the north of Vancouver Island and a trip back……

  • Small Wonders Show & Upcoming Brant Festival

    Small Wonders Show & Upcoming Brant Festival

    The January Small Wonders Art Exhibit at The MacMillan Art Centre (The Mac) in Parksville, British Columbia was a real success. There were some amazing artists there display their work. I am happy to say that Big Fish found a home. I am looking forward to displaying The Adventures and Fall’s First Frost at the……